OSINT Two Tools To Try

OSINT is about knowing sources, online as well as off-line. Sources such as directories, records, archives. But also handbooks, online databases, websites, radio, cellphone towers and many more. T4 aims to share on a weekly basis two interesting sources or tools worth trying.

Institute for the Study of War

The Institute for the Study of War is an authoritative body on international conflict and relations. They publish daily updates on current conflicts and emerging threats, such as Russia/Ukraine, Iran, PR China, Syria and Afghanistan. ISW has an extensive collection of sources, reports and news. Under ‘publications‘ are situational reports, weekly country updates, maps and assessments. Updates daily. Aimed at military affairs. Founded in 2007. USA based.


Geolocating platform presenting data on violent conflict incidents by date, visualising the situational development by time. A slider allows selection of a data frame. Incidents are indicated by an icon that is linked to a short description of the incident with reference to the source. Also offers some papers and press messages. Covers conflict in Ukraine, Sahel, Syria, Nagorno-Karabakh, Israel, Yemen and Myanmar. Unclear origin or owners.